ppc ads sniper'

get Access Our Automated KEYWORD Research and trends Tool That Helps Us Make
Over $1500 Per Week!

The #1 Tool That Helps Boost Website Traffic, Generate Leads and Sales

With Our All In One App You Can Research Everything You Need Plus Run An Entire Agency..

Life can get busy, when running an in house agency.  Especially when you have a team who manage your Google Ads client accounts.

Imagine being able to manage all your clients accounts within one dashboard.  

The brand new state of the art app, makes it even better than before to setup and manage your Google Ads agency all within the PPC Ads Sniper App.

See Full Demo In The Video Below

PPC Ads Sniper is an all in one software as a service (Saas) cloud-based software. If you're coaching students, managing clients ads accounts or just want to automate your own research. 

You and your team will be easily able to manage multiple Google Ads accounts, create campaigns, optimize campaigns, research products, keywords, search volumes, trends and more all from within the PPC Ads Sniper dashboard.

PPC Sniper For Agencies

Create, Manage and Publish Google Ads Search Campaigns For Your Clients Instantly anywhere in the world, Within A Simple Easy To Use App Plus More

Login Page For Users, Admin & Manager

Simple Manager Account

Not only can managers within your agency can use our app. Users, Admin Staff, Managers of Your Agency All Can Easily Login To The PPC Ads Sniper App

After Login, Managers who manage clients accounts will be able to see all the clients added under this account

Client Campaign Listings

Your Clients Have The Ability To See Their Campaigns

Product Research Tool Plus More..

PPC Ads Sniper Product Research Tool

One of the main PPC Ads sniper features is the ability to see the search volume for products and services. With PPC Ads Snipers Product Research Tool you will be able to get data from google ads, and the tool will be able to recommend which product is worth promoting.

Checkout The Full PPC Ads Sniper DEMO

Get Started With PPC Ads Sniper Today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe To Connect To Your Google Ads Account?

Yes It's totally safe, we have been officially approved by Google to use our app with them.

Is it safe To Connect To Your Microsoft Ads Account?

Yes It's totally safe, we have been approved by Microsoft to  use our app with them

What is The Costs To Use The App?

The cost to Join PPC Ads Sniper is Just $37 a month and Includes access to the Google Ads Product Research Tool, as well as the Client agency Access, as well as future updates such as the Microsoft Ads Product Reearch Tool, and the ability to create and publish campaigns from within the app

Are There Any upsells?

There is currently no upsells with the PPC Ads Sniper App. But in future we will be launching our own tracking software.

is There Something else i need to Make it Work?

You will need Microsoft Excel to view data or you can use open office which is a free version

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